All Writing.
12/15, National Parks Magazine: If You Build It
12/12, Mountain Journal: To Honor Bear 399, Limit Traffic and Development
11/16, The New Yorker: The Lizard King of Long Island
11/11, The Last Word on Nothing: A Brief Tribute to Karsten Heuer
10/25, Smithsonian Magazine: The Prehistoric Science of Wildlife Tracking Is Making a Comeback
9/17, Scientific American: Book Review: How One Weird Rodent Ecologist Tried to Change the Fate of Humanity
9/11, High Country News: After Half a Century, the Apache Trout Swims Off the Threatened Species List
9/1, High Country News: What Does Denali’s Road Closure Mean for Its Wildlife?
8/31, National Parks Magazine: The Charisma Premium
8/20, Western Confluence: Reconnecting the Kinabatangan
8/1, High Country News: How Do You Protect Wildlife From Sprawl?
7/29, bioGraphic: Entangled: Laid End to End, the World’s Fences Would Reach the Sun
5/25, Slate: We’re All Roadkill Now
5/1, High Country News: Tribes Lead on Wildlife Passages
4/18, The Atlantic: The Illogical Relationship Americans Have With Animals
4/12, Journal of Mammalogy: Mammals and Roads
3/31, Mountain Journal: A Tale of Two Revivals: How Yellowstone Helped Return Wolves to Colorado
3/27, Audubon Magazine: In the Arctic, Beavers Are Climate Winners. Should We Let Them Take Over?
3/26, Hakai Magazine: Light at the End of the Tunnel
3/26, Sierra Magazine: Ending Roadkill: How to Make It Safer for the Deer to Cross the Road
3/1, Smithsonian Magazine: The Case for Destroying Old Forest Roads
2/1, High Country News: Can Coexistence With Wolves Be Bought?
1/26, The Guardian: For Five Years, My Flip Phone Has Changed My Life for the Better
1/12, National Tropical Botanical Garden: Braving the Road
12/28, Wired: Spying on Beavers From Space Could Help Save California
12/20, The Atlantic: Our Forests Need More Fire, Not Less
12/19, High Country News: Paws on the Ground: How Colorado Got Its Wolves Back
12/14, Yale Environment 360: ‘Green Roads’ Are Plowing Ahead, Buffering Drought and Floods
12/6, National Parks Magazine: From Rim to River
10/31, bioGraphic: City of Glass
1016, Atmos: How Migrating Crabs Help Us Rethink Our Roads
10/6, Nautilus: My Three Greatest Revelations
10/2, High Country News: Staving Off a Bass Invasion
9/29, Audubon Magazine: Projects to Help Wildlife Navigate Highways Pick Up Speed
9/22, The Last Word on Nothing: Finding the Beauty in Roadkill
9/20, bioGraphic: No Country for Old Ocelots
9/15, National Parks Magazine: Killer on the Road
9/15, National Parks Magazine: A Clam Conundrum
9/7, The Atlantic: Roadkill Is Pushing Frogs One Step Closer to Extinction (excerpted from Crossings)
9/6, Smithsonian Magazine: How Roads Have Transformed the Natural World (excerpted from Crossings)
8/31, High Country News: Wildlife and the Inescapable Impact of Road Noise (excerpted from Crossings)
7/28, Undark Magazine: Book Review: In Bluefin Tuna, Fisheries Science Is Never Neat
7/6, Hakai Magazine: How Far Will Salmon Swim for a Craft Beer?
7/1, Scientific American: Today’s Deep-Sea Explorers Are Mineral Miners and Ultrawealthy Hobbyists
6/16, High Country News: Colorado Supreme Court Drowns Public Access to Riverbeds
5/1, High Country News: Inside the Fight to Save a Beleaguered Butterfly
4/26, Nautilus: Fish Are Not Insentient Dullards
4/4, Hakai Magazine: Gone to the Dogs
4/1, National Parks Magazine: Into the Wind
3/1, High Country News: Can Camera Traps Relieve Our Species Loneliness?
12/23, High Country News: Can Assisted Migration Save the Rio Grande Cutthroat?
12/1, Scientific American: How Beavers Shaped America, From Capitalism to Climate Change
8/10, Nautilus: Humans Are Overzealous Whale Morticians
8/8, Hakai Magazine: When Is It Time to Give Up on Doomed Fisheries?
8/4, High Country News: A New Biography Resurrects a Western Conservation Writer
7/15, National Parks Magazine: Troubled Waters
6/28, Sierra Magazine: In Eastern Washington, the Canada Lynx Makes a Comeback
6/27, High Country News: The Colorado Stream Case That Could Revolutionize River Access
6/22, Nautilus: What Oceanographers Can Learn From Their Animal Colleagues
6/3, bioGraphic: Atonement in the Kitchen
5/18, The Last Word on Nothing: Carcass Cam
2/23, New York Times: Peering Into the Beautiful, Brutal World of Tide Pools
1/2, National Parks Magazine: Isle of Cats
12/31, High Country News: How Do You Make a Movie About a Hyperobject?
12/6, The Last Word on Nothing: What Do We Owe Our Octopus Teachers?
11/12, Vox: Animals Need Infrastructure, Too
10/18, National Geographic: This Odd Colorado River Fish Faces an Uncertain Future
9/14, Sierra Magazine: Can’t We All Just Get Along?
8/27, The Last Word on Nothing: Mystery Treats
6/3, EatingWell: From Dock to Door
6/1, National Parks Magazine: A Chilly Refuge
4/18, Spokesman-Review: Amid Widespread Decline, Spokane Region Remains Something of a Porcupine Redoubt
4/13, Hakai Magazine: How Microfishing Took the Angling World By (Very Small) Storm
4/12, The Last Word on Nothing: How Baby Snoots Became the World's Most Famous Manatee
4/1, Smithsonian Magazine: Biologist Marie Fish Catalogued the Sounds of the Ocean for the World to Hear
3/25, National Parks Magazine: Pines in Peril
3/21, The Last Word on Nothing: The Semiaquatic Martyrs of East Foster Creek
1/11, The Last Word on Nothing: I Am the Egg Dog
12/8, Hakai Magazine: Gods of the Storm
11/13, Science: Wolf Attacks on Beavers Are Altering the Very Landscape of a National Park
11/11, The Last Word on Nothing: The Lookout Cookbook
10/16, The Last Word on Nothing: Snake Hands
10/1, The Believer: Animal Crossing
9/30, The Atlantic: The West’s Broken Wildfires Are Killing Its Wildlife
9/30, LitHub: All Hail the Beaver, Mighty Linchpin of the Natural World
9/22, National Geographic: How Beavers Became North America’s Best Firefighter
9/15, National Parks Magazine: A Speedy Comeback?
9/4, CNN Travel: Rent a Fire Lookout Tower for $40 a Night
8/24, Spokesman-Review: A Visit With the Grayling
8/14, New York Times: Birds and Horses and Eels, Oh My! New Books About Animals
8/2, Spokesman-Review: Red Zone (Fiction)
7/15, The Last Word on Nothing: A Carless Biergarten
7/6, The Atlantic: Lockdowns Could Be the ‘Biggest Conservation Action in a Century
6/8, The Last Word on Nothing: Brittany and the Beavers
4/21, High Country News: Monique the Space Elk and the Wild History of Tracking Wildlife
4/1, National Parks Magazine: The Otter Explosion
3/19, The Nation: The Dictionary Hasn’t Caught Up With the Climate Crisis
3/11, The Last Word on Nothing: Fear The Deer: A Comprehensive Ranking of Cinematic Roadkill
2/12, The Last Word on Notion: The Ungovernable Rodent
1/28, The Last Word on Nothing: Parasite Is Great Cli-Fi (later adapted to radio for Living On Earth)
1/14, The Last Word on Nothing: The Salmon in the Pines
1/2, The Last Word on Nothing: The Salmonid Industrial Complex
1/1, High Country News: When Wildlife Safety Turns Into Fierce Political Debate
12/18, The Last Word on Nothing: A Year in Marsupial Review
12/5, The Last Word on Nothing: The Revolution Will Not Be Fertilized
11/26, The Atlantic: How Roadkill Became an Environmental Disaster
11/18, The Last Word on Nothing: Still Life With Dumb Phone
11/11, High Country News: From Russia With Love — and Salmon
7/1, Minneapolis Star-Tribune: Voyageurs National Park Is U.S. Epicenter of Beavers’ Spectacular Handiwork
6/21, National Geographic: The Secret Lives of Fish-Eating, Beaver-Ambushing Wolves of Minnesota
5/31, New York Times: 25 Writers on Their Favorite Beach Vacations (Idaho)
5/30, Spokesman-Review: Fishers Have Returned to Western Washington. Are the Selkirks Next?
5/27, High Country News: Plumbing the Gila for Solace and Hope
5/7, EatingWell (with the Food & Environment Reporting Network): Jellyfish, Anyone? How Warming Oceans Will Change What We Eat
3/31, The Living Bird: California’s Tricolored Blackbird is Running Out of Room
3/27, bioGraphic: Free-Flowing, For Now
3/20, High Country News: How Should We Treat Fish Before They End Up On Our Plates?
2/19, Open Notebook: Brooke Jarvis Uncovers an Insect Apocalypse (see also my take for Nieman Storyboard, What the Insect Apocalypse Reveals About Faulty Human Memory)
1/29, Hakai Magazine: The Gnawing Mystery of Saltwater Beavers
12/11, Humans and Nature: In Praise of Urban Beavers
11/22, bioGraphic: They Will Build It: The Tulalip Tribes Bet Big on Beavers (republished in the Atlantic as Re-Beavering the American West)
11/12, High Country News: Reforestation and Remeandering in Leopold’s Bootsteps
10/24, Hakai Magazine: When Disaster Strikes, Go Fish
10/1, Adirondack Life: Bark Eaters
9/20, Audubon Magazine: How the Public Is Losing Its Voice on Public Lands
9/17, High Country News: An End of the Line for the Kings of the Yukon?
9/17, Outside Magazine: Why Hunting a Single Grizzly Bear Is Such a Big Deal
9/17, Hakai Magazine: New Genetic Research Shows the Legacy of Farm Fish Escapees
9/17, High Country News: A Toilet Project; Carpet-Bombing Trout; The Ick Factor
8/19, Mother Jones: Why a New Fisheries Bill Is Being Dubbed the “Empty Oceans Act”
8/9, Washington Post: Why Two Countries Want to Kill 100,000 Beavers
6/13, Hakai Magazine: How Do Herring Learn to Migrate? Go to Schools
6/8, Pacific Standard: The Endling: Watching the Vaquita Vanish in Real Time
6/7, Science: Beavers, Rebooted
5/29, Hakai Magazine: A Fish Called Rockweed
4/30, The Revelator: Can Wildlife Services Learn to Believe in Beavers?
4/13, Smithsonian: Illuminating the Ocean’s Teeming Twilight Zone, Before It Disappears
3/23, Hakai Magazine: Getting Caught Can Induce Labor in Sharks and Rays
2/20, High Country News: Can the Beaver State Learn to Love Its Beavers?
1/30, Hakai Magazine: What’s the Future of Fishways?
1/4, Hakai Magazine: Are Excluder Devices Saving Sea Lions or Covering Up Their Deaths?
11/13, High Country News: How to Know What We Don’t Know About Natural Disasters
9/27, Mother Jones: The Notorious Seafood Mogul Known as the Codfather Just Got Nearly 4 Years in Prison
8/11, Outside Magazine: The 50-Year Legacy of Glacier’s Night of the Grizzlies
8/7, High Country News: What the Last Eclipse Tells Us About the 19th-Century American West
7/24, High Country News: Why We Should Celebrate Unlovely Fish
7/1, Audubon Magazine: Teddy or Not? How Ryan Zinke Is Failing America and Conservation
6/15, Yale Environment 360: Feeling the Heat: How Fish Are Migrating From Warming Waters
3/20, High Country News: Busting the Tree Ring
3/15, Mother Jones: The Deliciously Fishy Case of the Codfather
2/27, Ensia: The Growing Plant and Animal Trade Holds Both Promise and Peril
2/22, Hakai Magazine: Proposed Policies Could Make America Overfished Again
2/10, High Country News: Where Wildlife Is Up Against the Wall
1/3, bioGraphic: In Search of Suckers: An Endangered Fish Makes a Comeback in the Grand Canyon’s Depths
12/31, The Guardian: The Year of Living Dangerously: Conservationist Terry Tempest Williams Puts Herself on Frontlines of Climate Fight
11/10, World Wildlife Magazine: Looking Up: Making a Bahamian Lobster Fishery Sustainable
11/3, High Country News: Will a Dam Save the Pallid Sturgeon, or Doom It?
10/27, Yale Environment 360: On College Campuses, Signs of Progress on Renewable Energy
10/18, Hakai Magazine: Urbanization Might Give an Unexpected Boost to Biodiversity
10/5, Environment Yale: Partnering With Nature in New York’s Urban Jungle
10/4, Hakai Magazine: The Curious Case of Bermuda’s Mysterious Turtle (also featured on
10/3, High Country News: Geologic Vandalism, The Return of the Blob, and Glacier’s Top Dog
9/30, Hakai Magazine: Book Review: What a Fish Knows
9/9, Science Magazine: No Proof That Predator Culls Save Livestock, Study Claims
9/9, Pacific Standard: The Rise of Water Optimism
9/1, Earth Island Journal: Book Review: Cross-Country Cougar
8/8, High Country News: Columbia River ‘Shadow Tribes’ Face a Housing Crisis
8/8, High Country News: Sex, Death, and Spaghetti: Jim Harrison’s Last Writings
8/2, Nature Conservancy Magazine: Between Land and Sea
8/1, Boston Magazine: Cod is Dead — Is Dogfish the Answer?
7/29, Science Magazine: Scientists Mull a Risky Strategy to Save World’s Most Endangered Porpoise
6/28, bioGraphic: The Birds and the Bombs
6/27, High Country News: The Grand Plan to Save the Yellowstone River (also featured in Outside)
6/8, Yale Environment 360: A Rather Bizarre Bivalve Stirs Controversy in Puget Sound
5/31, Ensia: Researchers Around the World Are Learning From Indigenous Communities. Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing
4/17, High Country News: In Washington, the Nooksack 306 Fight to Stay in Their Tribe
4/15, Undark Magazine: Birth Control for Bambi
OnEarth Magazine: The Government’s Mission to Save a Fish — With Fake Floods and Helicopter Rides
4/1, High Country News: Desert Tortoise Militia Occupies Bundy Ranch
3/1, Yale Environment 360: In Mexico, Fish Poachers Push Endangered Porpoises to Brink (also featured in The Guardian)
2/17, Science: A Virus is Taming Australia’s Bunny Menace, and Giving Endangered Species New Life
2/9, Hakai Magazine: Cracking Open the Tuna Code
2/3, Hakai Magazine: Underestimating Turbines’ Death Toll
2/2, High Country News: The Exotic Dancing Boom in North Dakota Goes Bust
1/26, Hakai Magazine: Sea Turtles Won’t Stay Where You Put Them
1/25, High Country News: Malheur Occupation Could Set Conservation Back Years
1/25, High Country News: Wildlife Services and Its Eternal War on Predators
1/21, The Last Word on Nothing: The Lizards of Hastings-on-Hudson
1/6, High Country News: Can Plant-Based Feeds Make Aquaculture Sustainable? (also featured in the Missoula Independent)
1/4, High Country News: In Gold Fame Citrus, the Nascent Genre of Cli-Fi Looks to California
12/21, High Country News: To Save a Pine Tree, Researchers Fight Fungus With Fungus
12/14, High Country News: Fishers Recolonize Washington, Part of a Northwest Rewilding
12/8, Orion Magazine: Safe Passage
12/7, High Country News: Ending the Murrelet Malaise
12/1, Nature Conservancy Magazine: A Good Catch
11/27, High Country News: Will GMO Salmon Harm Alaska’s Fishing Industry?
11/19, High Country News: Ducks Unlimited Fires Writer Over Stream Access Fracas
11/18, Canadian Science Publishing: Adapting to the Changing Media Landscape
11/9, High Country News: How Do You Sex a Beaver? Squeeze and Sniff
11/9, High Country News: The Beaver Whisperer
11/1, World Wildlife Magazine: Bristol Bay
10/22, High Country News: To Save Washington’s Yakima Basin Fish, Just Add Water
10/14, High Country News: Can Studying Morality Help Yellowstone’s Wolves and Bison?
10/8, Audubon News: The Nicaragua Canal: Still a Very Bad Plan
10/7, High Country News: Sheep Wars Rage on in Southwest Montana
10/2, Waterkeeper Magazine: Back from the Brink
9/28, High Country News: Can Herbicides Keep Tahoe Blue?
9/4, High Country News: Mapping Fish Die-Offs in Warming Waters
9/2, The Last Word on Nothing: Walking with Oliver
9/2, High Country News: Invasive Crayfish in Oregon Devastate Native Newts
8/19, Hakai Magazine: Talkin’ Turtle: The Politics of Sea Turtle Conservation
8/10, Motherboard: “Look Down at Your Body. You Have Become a Coral“
8/3/2015, High Country News: Young Men and Fire
7/22, High Country News: Climate-Vulnerable Pikas May Be Surprisingly Resilient to Wildfire
7/15, Hakai Magazine: Lessons from the Bohemian Salmon
7/13, Hakai Magazine: Defenders of the Forgotten Fish
7/6, Motherboard: The Rewilding
7/6, High Country News: For Sea Lions, a Feast of Salmon on the Columbia
6/25, Grantland: We Went There: Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, and Alaska’s 110-Year-Old Twilight Baseball Game
6/8, High Country News: A Bull Trout Reintroduction in Oregon Proves What’s Possible
6/5, Nautilus: Florida’s Special Sponge for Soaking Up Pollution: Fish
6/3, High Country News: I Have Seen the Future, and It Looks Like Mad Max
5/11, High Country News: Fisher-Poets of the Pale Tide
5/6, High Country News: What Wildlife Scat Can Tell Us About How to Protect Open Space
4/23, Ensia: Searching for the Best Dog to Save Livestock — and Wildlife
4/20, High Country News: Idaho’s Panther Creek Comes Back from the Dead
4/3, High Country News: Fowl Play: California’s Drought Fingered in Bird Deaths
4/2, High Country News: Who Should Manage Grand Teton’s Private Inholdings?
4/1, High Country News: Business Parks: Feds Sell Naming Rights to Iconic Public Lands (April Fool’s!)
3/24, High Country News: Bison to Be Reintroduced in Banff, New Plans for Yellowstone Herd
3/2, High Country News: Washington’s Wolverines Stage Tenuous Comeback
2/27, High Country News: Big Dig, Big Disgrace
2/16, High Country News: The Technique That’s Revolutionizing Aquatic Science
2/3, High Country News: Attacks on Federal Research Funding Anger Scientists
1/30, Environment Yale: Restoring Salmon Fisheries — And a Tribal Birthright — in the Pacific Northwest
1/27, High Country News: Bison, Cows and Rabbits Square Off on Utah’s Range
1/20, High Country News: Livin’ on the Dredge: Army Corps Mucks Out the Snake
1/19, High Country News: Should We Put a Price on Nature? A Nuanced Look at Ecosystem Services
1/13, High Country News: Young Leaders Changing the West
1/6, VICE News: The White House Has Pledged to Veto Keystone XL Legislation
12/31, VICE News: The EPA Tightened Rules on Coal Waste, But Not Enough, Say Environmentalists
12/22, Modern Farmer: The Accidental Lobster Farmers
12/22, High Country News: Montana Mycologist Fights Fungus With Fungus
12/19, VICE News: You Might Earn $20 Less Per Day Because of Climate Change
12/17, Nautilus: Biologists’ Clever Way to Detect Animals They Can’t Find
12/9, High Country News: The Great Salmon Compromise
12/9, VICE News: Acute Water Shortage Leads to State of Emergency in the Maldives
12/6, High Country News: The Most Important Wildlife Management Plans You’ve Never Heard Of
12/5, VICE News: These Republicans Think It’s Time for the GOP to Act on Climate Change
11/24, High Country News: Can Biomimicry Tackle Our Toughest Water Problems?
11/18, VICE News. Closely Studied Population of Polar Bears Drops 40 Percent in Number Over a Decade
11/12, VICE News: Denmark Says It Will Produce 100 Percent of Its Energy With Renewables By 2050
11/4, VICE News: The Obama Administration Just Sent the Auto Industry a Tough Message About Climate Change
10/29, High Country News: The Young and the Reckless: Alaskan Congressman’s Offenses Draw Spotlight
10/29, VICE News: Candidate’s Pro-Environment Stance Might Be a Winning Strategy in Michigan Senate Race
10/21, VICE News: 2014 on Track To Be Warmest Year Ever Recorded
10/15, Nautilus: This Tool-Using Sniper Changed What We Think About Fish
10/13, High Country News: Offshore Oil Rigs Can Provide Prime Fish Habitat
10/09, Medium: How Did the Meadow Vole Cross the Road?
10/07, High Country News: The Earth Has Half as Many Animals as It Did in 1970
10/02, Pacific Standard: How Do We Know Our Environmental Laws Are Working? Ask a Great White Shark
9/11, Earth Island Journal: End of the Road
9/11, High Country News: Fur Flies Over Montana Bobcat Farm
8/24, High Country News: In Southcentral Alaska, Salmon Declines Are Pinned On a Toothy Invader
8/19, Scientific American: The Battle to Save Yellowstone From Invasive Fish
8/13, High Country News: The Roads Scholar
8/11, Nautilus: Searching for Disappearing Species in the US’ Deepest Wilds
7/29, High Country News: Are We Smart Enough to Solve Our Raven Problem?
7/7, High Country News: What’s Killing the Yukon’s Salmon?
7/1, Amherst Magazine: Come for the Meal, Stay for the Checkup
6/30, OnEarth Magazine: Teach a Country to Fish…
6/23, High Country News: A New Mapping Tool Shows How States Value Wildlife
6/20, OnEarth Magazine: From Here to Antiquity
6/11, High Country News: Hey, Wildlife Services, What Did You Kill?
6/4, High Country News: Are Invasive Species Really That Terrible?
5/30, High Country News: New California Shrimp: A Reminder of the West’s Undiscovered Biodiversity
5/30, High Country News: Rain Watch
5/29, NationSwell: It Takes a Village: Crowdfunding Neighborhood Improvement
5/23, OnEarth Magazine: Monument Man
5/21, High Country News: Obama Names Newest U.S. Monument: New Mexico’s Organ Mountains
5/15, Pacific Standard: Catch, Fillet, and Sell the Eggs of a Dinosaur: How to Save the Paddlefish
5/9, High Country News: Should the Humpback Whale Stay on the Endangered Species List?
5/8, High Country News: A Bear Named Irene
4/30, High Country News: What to Expect When You’re Expecting El Niño
4/25, High Country News: Restore Fish to Oregon’s Sandy River Basin: Just Add Trees
4/17, High Country News: Against the Grain: Proposed FDA Rule Has Beer-Makers Foaming
4/10, High Country News: Threatened Lynx Are Bycatch in Idaho Trapping Resurgence
4/4, High Country News: How Will British Columbia Power Its Liquefied Natural Gas Industry?
4/1, High Country News: Hippos Spark Management Debate
3/31, Environment Yale: Healing Western Landscapes From Conservation’s Radical Center
3/26, High Country News: New National Monuments Threatened by House Attack on Antiquities Act
3/21, High Country News: Hatcheries Make for Happy Anglers, But at What Cost to Wild Fish?
3/17, OnEarth Magazine: A Dam Shame
3/14, High Country News: Crane Migration Depends on Agriculture and Sustainable Groundwater Management
3/14, Conservation Magazine: No-Crossing Zones
3/7, High Country News: Are Coal Companies Paying Fair Market Value for Leases on Public Lands?
3/3, High Country News: The Legend Behind Salvation Mountain
3/1, Earth Island Journal: Home on the Range (also featured on
2/20, High Country News: For Native Birds, Cities May Spread Disease While Still Providing Sanctuary
2/13, High Country News: Of Mice and Myth: Colorado Flood Recovery the Latest Chapter in Preble’s Mouse Saga
2/10, Modern Farmer: In Grizzly Country, What Do You Do With a Dead Cow?
2/10, High Country News: With Gila Deadline Looming, New Mexico Debates Its Water Options
1/31, High Country News: For Better Or Worse, Feds’ Columbia River Salmon Plan Stays the Course
1/28, NationSwell: How to Crowdfund Solar Power
1/24, High Country News: From Bison to Birds, National Park Service Rethinks Its Approach to Migratory Species
1/16, Green Futures: Informal Networks Provide Essential Services in Cities
12/6, OnEarth Magazine: Seriously, Enbridge? Clean Up the Kalamazoo Already!
12/4, Environment Yale: Shell Games: Accidental Entrepreneur Cultivates Passion for Oyster Farming
11/22, OnEarth Magazine: Anaconda Invasion?
11/7, Environment Yale: A New Line of Defense for Wild Salmon Populations
10/22, Environment Yale: It’s Complicated: Protecting Wild Horses in the American West
10/10, Green Futures: UK Missing Out on Waste to Energy Power
10/1, Environment Yale: Three Decades in the Arctic: Defending an Ecosystem at the Crossroads
9/23, Earth Island Journal: On the Yukon River, A Troubling Salmon Decline
9/16, These Fifty States: In Roswell
9/11, High Country News: In Alaska, Fishing Can Be a True Harvest
9/10, Environment Yale: Choosing Mighty Themes to Explore Human Ties to the Natural World
9/1, Amherst Magazine: The Frontier as Proving Ground
7/11, Green Futures: Will We Ever See the End of Land Grabs?
5/7, Green Futures: H&M Partners With WWF to Wring Out Water Use
5/3, Green Futures: Why Water Managers Are Looking at Tree Rings
4/15, Huffington Post: A River Changes Course at the Yale Film Festival
4/2, Sage Magazine: The Greatest Migration: As Rainfall Changes, Humans Pack Their Bags
4/1, Earth Island Journal: The Catch-22 of New England Fisheries’ Catch Share Scheme
3/2o, Yale Environment 360: A Leading Marine Biologist Works to Create a Wired Ocean
3/13, Yale Environment 360: An Advocate in Pursuit of Environmental Justice at the EPA
3/12, Huffington Post: Diving With Sea Slugs in the Waters of Eilat, Israel
1/31, Green Futures: Voluntourism: One Answer to Local Resource Shortages
1/1o, The Guardian: Next Generation Environmentalists Embedded in Business
12/13, Green Futures: What Will Virtual Water Mean for Trade?
11/21, OnEarth Magazine: Rebuild or Retreat: Is It Time to Give up on Places Like the Rockaways?
11/12, The Guardian: No Rain? Share Your Neighbour’s Water
10/15, Green Futures: California Crowd-Funds Solar Power
10/15, Sage Magazine: Delta Blues: Documenting Nigeria’s Oil Conflict
9/27, OnEarth Magazine: Gasping for Air: Will Asthma Attacks Make Climate Change Hit Home?
8/22, OnEarth Magazine: The Real Cost of Tar Sands
8/21, The Independent: Voters Are Ready to Discuss Climate Change, But Are the Candidates Talking?
7/31, The Independent: Are Coral Reefs Really Doomed?
7/3, OnEarth Magazine: L.A. Water Ways
7/3, OnEarth Magazine: Michigan Tar Sands Spill Results in Record Fine
6/21, OnEarth Magazine: Sea of Wonders Dodges Mega-Resort Threat
4/2, Sage Magazine: Evolutionary War Hero: An Interview With Carl Zimmer
1/3, Sage Magazine: Fish Tales: An Interview With Author Paul Greenberg
Environmental Fiction
“The Rewilding.” Terraform/Motherboard. July 6, 2015
“The Run.” Bellevue Literary Review. Fall 2014
“Now We Have the Crocodiles.” Stringybark Stories. 2013